Our Services
Family Chiropractic
Whether young or old, all members of the family can benefit from chiropractic care. Healthy families are happy families!
In our office, we love to take care of the whole family. Everyone experiences stress in their lives— stresses that are physical, chemical, and mental/emotional. Children fall down as they learn to walk, moms & dads are juggling their roles at home & at work, and we all deal with toxic exposures in our environment. And that’s just to name a few!
These “Three T’s”—traumas, toxins, & thoughts— are all causes of nervous system stress/interference. Patients present with a variety of common conditions secondary to nervous system dysfunction. Nervous system-based chiropractic care helps to remove this interference & helps you to better adapt to the unavoidable stressors in your life.
When you minimize/remove the stressors within your control & you have a more resilient nervous system, you can show up better for your family & in your life.
Some common conditions we see:
Neck pain
Back pain
Extremity pain (arm, hip, etc.)
Digestive issues
Infertility/menstrual issues
Allergies/Sinus issues
Autoimmune conditions
Pediatric Chiropractic
The first subluxation often happens during the birth process. Whether a natural, unassisted birth or a birth with interventions (forceps, vacuum, C-section, etc.), baby can experience significant spinal, chemical, & emotional stress.
Babies can be adjusted as soon as immediately after birth! Some mamas choose to bring their baby into the office on the way home from the birth center/hospital or shortly after a home birth!
As a child grows up, their nervous system (which includes their brain) is constantly learning about their environment. Nervous system stressors/interferences can contribute to delayed development or skipped milestones. This commonly shows up later as difficulty in school or being clumsy/uncoordinated.
In our office, we take detailed pediatric histories relevant to the age of your child & perform specialized pediatric exams to look at primitive reflexes— one indication of neurological development. We have additional pediatric training and use gentle, specific techniques to care for newborns and all children!
Some common conditions we see:
Torticollis/tilted head
Digestive issues (constipation, reflux, etc.)
Latching/breastfeeding issues
Trouble sleeping
Ear infections
Delayed milestones
Perinatal Chiropractic
Pregnancy and postpartum are times of tremendous change— physically & emotionally. Whether or not its a first pregnancy, these are special times when mamas need additional support.
During pregnancy, the body produces a hormone called relaxin. This hormone helps to relax the ligaments in the body & softens the cervix to facilitate the expansion of the uterus and eventually labor. Relaxin remains in the body for 5+ months postpartum.
As a result of the hormone changes, the added weight during pregnancy, and the physical stress of birth, many women experience pain, instability, and/or other unwanted symptoms during pregnancy and postpartum.
By adjusting the spine & impacting the nervous system, we can support the body during pregnancy & postpartum, allowing mom to have a more enjoyable experience.
We have special training to support mom during these times, including training in the Webster Technique, which helps to facilitate neuro-biomechanical function of the pelvis.
Some common conditions we see:
Pelvic/sacral/pubic pain
Low back pain
Neck pain
Breech baby
Possible Benefits for Labor/Postpartum
Decreased pain
Faster/easier labor
Faster recovery
Improved latching/breastfeeding experience