BiohackingChiros Favorites

Fertility + Pregnancy + Postpartum

Browse by Category

  • Amazon Storefront

    We’ve curated a number of items across different categories— health books, pregnancy/postpartum, baby, personal care, home care, etc— into one Amazon store

  • Belly Armor

    EMF shielding clothes & blankets for pregnancy & babies

  • Birthright

    MATTHEW15 for 15% off

    Animal based prenatal & female hormone support supplements

  • Christian Hypnobirthing

    MATTHEW for 20% off

    Christian-focused birth education course

  • Daysy

    DAYSYUS+601 for 10% off

    Basal body temperature fertility tracker

    Learn more.

  • Earthley Wellness

    BIOHACK for 10% off

    Herbal remedies for all aspects of life (including teething), all natural bug repellant, healing salve

  • Empowered Birth Course

    A non-boring birth course taught by Dr. Kseniya, a certified prenatal & pediatric chiropractor, that reviews anatomy, labor techniques, partner techniques, and prepping for postpartum

  • Equip Foods

    NARDINI for 15% off

    100% grass-fed beef protein powders, collagen, colostrum, & more

  • Green Pasture

    NARDINI for 10% off

    Fermented cod liver oil, butter oil, & more

  • ION*

    BIOHACK for 15% off

    Soil-based metabolites (humic extract) to support gut, sinus, & skin health

  • Kion

    CHIRO for 10% off store, 15% off bundles, 20% off subscriptions

    Essential amino acids, creatine, colostrum, organic coffee (tested for mold, mycotoxins, & pesticides), & more

  • The Milky Tee

    BIOHACKINGCHIROS for 10% off

    Organic cotton nursing shirts

  • Mountain Rose Herbs

    Organic loose leaf teas, including red raspberry leaf tea

  • OmegaQuant

    NARDINI for 5% off

    At home test kits for vitamin D, omega-3, vitamin B12, prenatal DHA, mother’s milk DHA, & hemoglobin A1c

  • Paleovalley

    Additional 15% off with link

    100% grass-fed beef sticks, 100% grass-fed/finished bone broth powder, grass-fed organ complex, electrolytes, & more

  • Perfect Supplements

    NARDINI10 for additional 10% off

    100% grass-fed liver & organ complex, 100% grass-fed collagen & gelatin, organic chicken bone broth powder, acerola powder, magnesium, vitamin D, fermented cod liver oil, vitamin K2, & more

    AND they test their products for glyphosate!

  • Pique Tea

    Up to 15% off with link

    Tea crystals (tested for heavy metals, mold, & pesticides)

  • Primal Queen

    25% off with link

    100% grass-fed and pasture-raised beef organ supplements for females

  • Seeking Health

    NARDINI10 for 10% off

    High quality supplements, including prenatals, magnesium, and lactase drops

  • Dr. Steph Libs Breastfeeding Course for Moms

    Holistic education on breastfeeding— a must for all pregnant & nursing moms!

  • Dr. Steph Libs Infant Adjusting & Breastfeeding Assessment Course for Chiros

    Training for chiropractors on assessing latch & adjusting the palate to aid in breastfeeding

  • Tiny Health

    BIOHACK for $20 off

    Microbiome tests for babies, pregnancy, & the whole family

  • Dr. Tom Cowan

    BIOHACK for 10% off

    Health & wellness items curated by Dr. Tom Cowan, including Flaska water bottles & UV lamp

  • Toups & Co. Organics

    10% off with link

    Tallow skin care, non-toxic make-up, tallow baby balm, non-toxic baby soap

Disclaimer: BiohackingChiros is a separate entity from The Homestead Family Chiropractic, PLLC. Any information or recommendations made are for educational purposes only and should not be taken as medical advice.